Voices and Insights: Using Student Voice to Understand and Address Mental Health Issues on Campus


  • Vicki Squires College of Education University of Saskatchewan



Mots-clés :

Student voice, Mental health, holistic supports, well-being


Campuses are becoming increasingly aware of the issues with mental health and well-being among its students. This paper explores the context of mental health on campuses, and examines the urgent issue of how to address this growing phenomenon. Institutions need to use a holistic perspective to view wellness, and the framework of multiple, interrelated dimensions of wellness may provide a structure to examine the strengths of services and programs provided on individual campuses, as well as help in the process of identifying gaps.  In designing a holistic strategy, though, it is imperative that student voice is a fundamentally important piece of planning for the necessary supports for student well-being, including academic and non-academic programs and initiatives.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Vicki Squires, College of Education University of Saskatchewan

Vicki Squires is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Administration in the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan. Her area of research is post-secondary education and student success, including subtopics such as student well-being and student engagement, leadership, policy development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.



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Conference Theme: Students as Drivers