Student-Faculty Partnership as a Foundation for Authentic Learning


  • Tracey L Clancy University of Calgary
  • Carla Ferreira University of Calgary
  • Paige Thompson University of Calgary


Mots-clés :

learning, teaching, student-faculty partnership, authentic learning


To understand the nature of student-faculty partnerships we began to explore the literature on students and educators as pedagogical partners (Cook-Sather, Bovill, & Felten, 2011). What emerged was a strong alignment between our transformational partnership as co-teachers in higher education and how our co-teaching practice has evolved to influence our relationships with students. Reflecting on our co-teaching practice has created a space for us to cross the threshold and embrace ‘radical collegiality’ (Fielding, 1999); not only through engaging as full faculty partners but transforming our thinking about the nature of partnership with students (Bovill, Cook-Sather, & Felten, 2011; Cook-Sather, 2014). Students became active partners in pedagogical planning surrounding a teaching philosophy assignment which revealed students’ understanding of the significance of authentic partnership. Understanding the education process as a partnership between students and educators compels us to continue fostering a brave space for both students and ourselves to risk and engage in courageous change, growth, and learning (Cook-Sather, 2016).  

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Tracey L Clancy, University of Calgary

Tracey Clancy is a senior instructor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Her master’s research focused on the phenomenon of uncertainty as an embodied space of transformation for defining clinical teaching practice.

Carla Ferreira, University of Calgary

Carla Ferreira is an Instructor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Carla teaches using simulation within the Clinical Simulation Learning Centre within the undergraduate nursing program.

Paige Thompson, University of Calgary

Paige Thompson is a new graduate nurse from the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Paige was an undergraduate student at the time this article was written, and aspires to one day work as an academic nurse educator.


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Conference Theme: Students as Collaborators