Critical Assessment: A Student-Centered Approach to Assessment


  • Manisha Kaur Chase University of California, Los Angeles


Mots-clés :

Critical Assessment, Critical Pedagogy, Assessment, Student-Centered


The proposed session sought to engage participants in a discussion about building assessment practices with students, as opposed to for students. Critical pedagogy may provide one way to redefine this previously uni-directional practice (Keesing-Styles, 2003). This approach concentrates student experience at the center of assessment, causing a power shift in status quo assessment dynamics. Engaging students can reveal that assessments do not indicate the conclusion of learning, in turn helping students perceive learning as a lifelong process.

The following proceedings present major ideas and questions which resulted from the aforementioned discussion, including theoretical uncertainty and barriers towards implementation. Suggestions for future research and practice are also proposed.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Manisha Kaur Chase, University of California, Los Angeles

Doctoral Student in the Human Development and Psychology program at the Graduate School of Education and Information Science, at UCLA.


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Conference Theme: Students as Drivers