Indigenizing Evaluation Research: A Long-Awaited Paradigm Shift


  • Paula T Morelli
  • Peter J Mataira


Developed in partnership with two ‘aina-based (life-sustaining, land-based) programs on the island of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, the strengths-enhancing evaluation research (SEER) model establishes base-line assumptions from which evaluation processes and products may be customized to report indigenous and culturally- based program strengths, effectiveness, and to discover formative needs. SEER is a research philosophy and practice that honors and respects indigenous, culturally based practices and ways of knowing. When engaged in a sincere, respectful manner, SEER partnerships may set in motion long-lasting, community-researcher relationships that can influence the reciprocal wellbeing of people and ‘aina. This article describes the authors’ behaviors and practices that allowed for guesthood and partnership with indigenous, culturally based programs, and led to the recognition of guiding principles in evaluation research.


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