Hunhu: In Search of an Indigenous Philosophy for the Zimbabwean Education System Practice without thought is blind: thought without practice is empty


  • Oswell Hapanyengwi-Chemhuru
  • Ngoni Makuvaza


The Zimbabwean education system is currently grounded in a philosophy of education that is alien. This means that the education that it offers to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe and the values that it inculcates are alien and cannot result in authentic existence. It is therefore essential to search for a philosophy that will bring relevance to the education system – an education system that emanates from the existential historical circumstances of the people. We argue that for the education system at any level to be relevant, it must have its foundations in the philosophy of hunhu. It is not being argued that the philosophy of hunhu be one of the philosophical foundations, but that it be the foundation of Zimbabwean education.


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