Towards Indigenous Social Work practice: Addressing professional challenges in working with Homeless Greenlanders in Aalborg, Denmark


  • Lone Krogh Kjær-Rasmussen Aalborg University
  • Lisarb Valéria Montes D’Oco Aalborg University
  • Jordanne Edwards Aalborg University
  • Gashaye Melaku Tefera Aalborg University


The article discusses the challenges within social work practices with the homeless Greenlandic population in Aalborg, Denmark, based on a case study at the Aalborg University. Interviews were conducted with social workers from service organizations across the Aalborg municipality. The findings are analyzed by drawing on a theoretical framework which addresses the role of social workers and social service institutions that support homeless Greenlanders to adjust to life in Denmark. Indigenous social work is presented as an alternative practice method to mitigate existing challenges within the field and to create culturally appropriate services. The findings revealed that cultural differences pose a fundamental challenge to the effective helping process of homeless Greenlanders in social work practices. Plausible recommendations for practice will be identified.


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