Practices, Narratives, and the Telos of Educative Teaching
Maclntyre's concept of practice when combined with
his notions of narratives and tradition provide a view of educative
teaching which should enable practitioners, present and future, to
give a full account of their life's work. Teaching of this kind can be
understood as an ethical enterprise, founded on principle, with a
rich tradition in which the narrative is not merely someone else's
story but one in which the practitioner can see oneself playing a
meaningful part. This combination of clear conceptual framework
and strong ethical ends and the intertwining of these ends and
their particular means with the acceptance of personal narrative
within that of the tradition of the practice should allow us to defend
the enterprise of educative teaching against those who would seek
to reduce schooling to mere socializing to present needs, or
preparation for corporate employment and allow it to flourish in the
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