Book Review: Jackson, P.W., Boostrom, R.E. & Hansen, D.T. (1993). The moral life of schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


  • Agnes Gajewski University of Toronto/ OISE


The Moral Life of Schools focuses on an empirical study conducted by Jackson, Boostrom, and Hanson investigating the moral dimensions of schools and classrooms. Observational accounts of moral complexities, ambiguities, and tensions in elementary and secondary classrooms are present in the book, with analysis and questioning posed at the end of each observation intended to stimulate moral consideration and reflection in the reader. The authors conclude that all classrooms are infused with “moral consequences” (p.xii) that impact the moral development of students.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Agnes Gajewski, University of Toronto/ OISE

Doctoral student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto in the department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning






Book Review/Critique de livre