Vers une nouvelle politique ministérielle d’évaluation des apprentissages au Québec ?


  • Naomie Fournier Dubé UQAR
  • Marie-Hél`ène Hébert Université TÉLUQ
  • André-Sébastien Aubin Université du Québec à Montréal


The authors of this article, Quebec-based professors and researchers specializing in learning assessment, as well as trainers of current and future teachers, discuss the need for the Quebec Ministry of Education to update, 20 years after its initial publication, the Politique d’évaluation des apprentissages (MEQ, 2003), a landmark document guiding teachers in their assessment practices. They collectively advocate for revisions, outlining key additions that a revised version of the document should contain across seven main themes: the impact of assessment on students, non-instructional approaches, specialized assessment terminology, assessment values, evaluation differentiation, parent communication, and the integration of digital technology in assessment practices.





Position Paper/Essai