Concepts of Teacher Professional Learning Opportunities and Social Justice Practices: A Literature Review


  • Cara Zurzolo University of Toronto (OISE)

Mots-clés :

social justice, teacher learning, networks,


The purpose of this literature review is to bring together two concepts: teachers’ professional learning and development opportunities and their social justice practices. Teachers voluntarily, due to both personal and professional perspectives, seek out learning opportunities, knowledge, and support that go beyond conventional in-service training and dissemination strategies (Cochran-Smith & Lytle,1992, 1999; Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 1995; Lieberman & Grolnick, 1996). In particular, teachers committed to social justice develop and seek professional learning outside of the formal education system because social justice teaching has not yet become a priority (Bascia, 2014). The literature reveals that social justice teaching practices are often developed informally. However, much of the literature about what and how teachers learn remains focused on formal arrangements of learning. Recommendations are made to refocus on informal learning arrangements such as teacher-initiated networks.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Cara Zurzolo, University of Toronto (OISE)

Phd. Candidate Educational Administration






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