Pratiques déclarées d’enseignement de l’orthographe lexicale au 2e cycle du primaire en contexte québécois


  • Johnni Samson Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • Myriam Villeneuve-Lapointe


The aim of this article is to describe the initial self-reported lexical spelling practices of seven teachers of regular and special education classes in the 2nd cycle of primary school who took part in an action research project on integrated lexical spelling teaching practices. At the start of the research, the participants completed a questionnaire about the frequency of lexical spelling practices they usually mobilize in their classrooms during the school year. The results were analyzed descriptively. Three categories of lexical spelling practices are documented: word study from the spelling list, formal teaching practices and evaluative practices. According to the results, teachers report using a large number of teaching practices, an average of 9.71 different practices over the course of a school year. Among these practices is 0-fault dictation, which has been proven in research, but is little used by teachers. In fact, despite the fact that research has called traditional dictation into question, it still plays an important role in assessing students' spelling knowledge.





Research Study/Recherche