Caractéristiques relationnelles en contexte de stage doctoral au sein d’équipes de recherches participatives en sciences de l’éducation


  • Sophie Nadeau-Tremblay Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
  • Marie-Pier Forest Université du Québec à Rimouski


Doctoral process in education sciences of the Université du Québec network requires the holding of research traineeship. These traineeships allow students to join research teams in order to familiarize themselves with objects and methodologies distinct from those of their thesis. In the vast spectrum of participatory research, the place occupied by actors and actresses within research teams appears to be an important factor to consider. This article concerns the relational characteristics of two doctoral students during an internship carried out as part of a collaborative research. A content analysis of the natural artefacts resulting from the traineeship was achieve and leads to a grouping of the relational characteristics in the context of the internship, namely those of a collective order and those of an individual order.





Position Paper/Essai