Kutsyuruba, B. & Walker, K. (2021). The lifecycle of trust in education: Leaders as moral agents.


  • Derek T Stovin University of Alberta and Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Derek T Stovin, University of Alberta and Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

I am a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta specializing in Educational Administration and Leadership.  I am also a Research and Policy Analyst at the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation.  My dissertation draft is complete to the stage where I expect to defend this upcoming year.


Furman, G. (2004). The ethic of community. Journal of Educational Administration, 42(2), 215-235.

Kutsyuruba, B. & Walker, K. (2021). The lifecycle of trust in education: Leaders as moralagents. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Starratt, R. (1994). Building an ethical school: A practical response to the moral crisis inschools. Falmer Press.

Stovin, D. (2021). Stories of faculty who served as academic administrators: Career-life

experiences and academic identities of five associate deans [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Alberta.






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