Affect, Motivation, and Engagement in the Context of Mathematics Education: Testing a Dynamic Model of Their Interactive Relationships


  • Shanshan Hu University of Kentucky
  • Xin Ma University of Kentucky, Lexington



The present analysis aimed to test the dynamic (interactive) model of affect, motivation, and engagement (Linnenbrink, 2007) in mathematics education with a nationally representative sample. Self-efficacy, self-concept, and mathematics anxiety were indicators of pleasant and unpleasant affect. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were indicators of mastery and performance approach. Educational persistence and cognitive activation were indicators of behavioral and cognitive engagement. The 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) supplied a sample of 4,978 students from the United States for structural equation modeling. The results indicated that the PISA data overall supported the dynamic model. Specifically, the PISA data completely supported the specification of the relationship between motivation and affect, largely supported the specification of the relationship between affect and engagement, but failed to support the specification of the relationship between motivation and engagement. The PISA data largely supported the specification of the mediation effects of affect on the relationship between motivation and engagement.

Keywords: affect; motivation; engagement; mathematics; structural equation modeling

La présente analyse visait à tester le modèle dynamique (interactif) de l'affect, de la motivation et de l'engagement (Linnenbrink, 2007) dans l'enseignement des mathématiques avec un échantillon représentatif au niveau national. L'auto-efficacité, le concept de soi et l'anxiété liée aux mathématiques étaient des indicateurs de l'affect agréable et désagréable. La motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque était des indicateurs de l'approche de la maîtrise et de la performance. La persistance éducative et l'activation cognitive étaient des indicateurs de l'engagement comportemental et cognitif. Le Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA) de 2012 a fourni un échantillon de 4 978 élèves des États-Unis pour la modélisation des équations structurelles. Les résultats indiquent que les données PISA soutiennent globalement le modèle dynamique. Plus précisément, les données PISA ont complètement soutenu la spécification de la relation entre la motivation et l'affect, ont largement soutenu la spécification de la relation entre l'affect et l'engagement, mais n'ont pas soutenu la spécification de la relation entre la motivation et l'engagement. Les données PISA ont largement soutenu la spécification des effets de médiation de l'affect sur la relation entre la motivation et l'engagement.

Mots clés : affect ; motivation ; engagement ; mathématiques ; modélisation par équations structurelles.

Author Biographies

Shanshan Hu, University of Kentucky

Shanshan Hu graduated with a doctoral degree from the University of Kentucky. Her program interests focused on educational psychology and advanced statistical modeling.

Xin Ma, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Xin Ma is Full Professor of Quantitative and Psychometric Methods at the University of Kentucky. His research interests include advanced statistical modeling, large-scale assessment, program evaluation, policy analysis, and mathematics education.




How to Cite

Hu, S., & Ma, X. (2022). Affect, Motivation, and Engagement in the Context of Mathematics Education: Testing a Dynamic Model of Their Interactive Relationships . Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 68(3), 372–395.

