The International Dimension of Academic Integrity: An Integrative Literature Review


  • Jason Aaron Openo Medicine Hat College


Mots-clés :

Academic integrity violations, international students, Canada, literature review


Over half a million international students now study in Canada.  This rapid increase in international enrollments has intensified focus on academic integrity because the stakes are high for both international students and the institutions that host them.  Academic integrity violations involving international students may garner scandalous attention, and the international students who become entangled in incidents of academic misconduct face potentially devastating life consequences, including expulsion from academic studies and dishonor in family life.  International students studying in Canada, particularly those whose first language is not English, face several hurdles not experienced by their Canadian counterparts.  Overcoming these cultural barriers is a shared interest and a top strategic priority because academic credentials are a signal that assert students have mastered academic norms of the new culture.  There remains considerable debate surrounding international students regarding their increased likelihood to commit academic integrity violations, and this integrative literature review explores the intersection of academic integrity and international students.  It takes a broad and holistic approach to identify areas of conflict and knowledge gaps, with a focus on successful institutional interventions that proactively reduce the likelihood of academic misconduct.  Little research details efficacious methods to reduce incidents of academic integrity violations involving international students, but taking stock of current interventions provides some guidance to institutions welcoming international students, and the faculty who teach them, so that they can both be successful in addressing academic integrity issues. 

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Jason Aaron Openo, Medicine Hat College

Jason Openo is the Director of Teaching and Learning at Medicine Hat College in Alberta and a sessional faculty member in the University of Alberta’s online Graduate School of Library and Information Science, where he teaches leadership and management principles.  He is the co-author of Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity, published in 2018 by Athabasca University Press.  He is presently pursuing his Doctorate of Education in Distance Education through Athabasca University.   


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Comment citer

Openo, J. A. (2019). The International Dimension of Academic Integrity: An Integrative Literature Review. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 2(2), 25–44.



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