Teacher Educator Perspectives and Practices of Intercultural Education in a Bachelor of Education Program in a South African University


  • Erica Amery
  • Ian Winchester University of Calgary
  • Sylvan Blignaut




Abstract: Intercultural Education is becoming increasingly necessary in teacher training contexts throughout the world, including South Africa. This narrative study explored the perspectives of teacher educators and their understanding of intercultural education and the role it played in the Bachelor of Education program in a South African university. Two female and three male teacher educators from diverse backgrounds were invited to share their perspectives of intercultural education and the role it played in the Bachelor of Education program. The study revealed that they mainly agreed that intercultural education would be beneficial, but it was not adequately covered in the curriculum.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Erica Amery

Author and Affiliation
Dr. Erica Amery
Email: ameryerica@gmail.com

Ian Winchester, University of Calgary

Author and Affiliation
Dr. Ian Winchester
Professor, Werklund School of Education
University of Calgary
Email: winchest@ucalgary.ca

