L'Evaluation des habiletes metacognitives chez des eleves du primaire plac;:es en situation de production de texte
Our project is based upon recently expressed concerns, notably by the Quebec Superior Council of Education (1991a, 1991b, 1991c) that requests educators to place greater emphasis on the development of thinking tools which will prepare people to cope with a society which is caught up in increasing rapid technological and cultural change. It is now essential, not only to transmit knowledge which may quickly become obsolete, but also "ways of thinking" which will facilitate a more effective adaptation and better transfer of knowledge in situations which are more and more novel. In spite of these recommendations which prescribe educational programs which are based on the processes and competencies of learning, we note that most programs which are in place have a tendency to favor static models of knowledge. For our part, we favor an approach which emphasizes the "process of learning" rather than a simple transmission of knowledge. The themes of reflective thinking and of metacognition seem to reflect this approach to learning.
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