Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research and Its Relevance for L2 Teacher Education


  • Nina Spada University of Toronto


Two areas of second language acquisition (SLA) research are distinguished as ‘naturalistic’ and ‘instructed’ SLA. The former refers to learning a second language (L2) through exposure to and interaction with native speakers of the language in much the same way that children acquire their first language. The latter refers to learners whose experience with the L2 is through learning it in a classroom setting. This article focuses on instructed SLA and addresses two specific questions: 1) Does type of instruction make a difference in L2 learning? 2) Are particular types of corrective feedback more effective for L2 learning than others? Theoretical and empirical work relevant to both questions is reviewed and implications for L2 teaching are discussed.

Author Biography

Nina Spada, University of Toronto

Dr. Spada is Professor in the Languages and Literacies program at OISE University of Toronto where she teaches courses in second language acquisition, research methods and classroom research in L2 learning and teaching.


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