The effects of music training on dyslexia: A selected literature review


  • Jean Emmerson University of Saskatchewan



This article reviews research on the neurological bases of dyslexia, examines the effects of music training on dyslexia, and investigates interrelationships between music, the brain, and dyslexia. Recent results in studies on the neurobiology of dyslexia lend credence to the effects of music training on dyslexia. This article may be of interest to teachers and researchers in the areas of Special Education and Music, and those who wish to better understand dyslexia.

Author Biography

Jean Emmerson, University of Saskatchewan


This article reviews research on the neurological bases of dyslexia, examines the effects of music training on dyslexia, and investigates interrelationships between music, the brain, and dyslexia. Recent results in studies on the neurobiology of dyslexia lend credence to the effects of music training on dyslexia. This article may be of interest to teachers and researchers in the areas of Special Education and Music, and those who wish to better understand dyslexia.


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