Book Review: Unlocking the clubhouse: Margolis, J., & Fisher, A (2003). Women in computing


  • Dorian Stoilescu University of Toronto

Mots-clés :

gender equity, computer science education, inclusive education


The book Unlocking the clubhouse: Women in computing written by Jane Margolis and Allan Fisher is a classical research in exploring issues and inequalities that female students are confronted with, when they try to pursue an undergraduate program in computer science. It is not limited only to reveal these sociocultural differences between genders, but also offers a coherent, practical and successful plan to improve female participation in undergraduate computer science programs. This research takes place in Carnegie Mellon University, in the Faculty of Computer Science. At the beginning of the research, in 1995, female students in computer science program were registered only at a 7 percent. In 1999, when the research was completed, the female students comprised 42 percent of the students. The results of this outstanding intervention made this research unique not only in the US but also across the world.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Dorian Stoilescu, University of Toronto

PHD Candidate University of Toronto






Book Review/Critique de livre