Do You Speak Global?: The Spread of English and the Implications for English Language Teaching


  • Tonje M. Caine University of Calgary

Mots-clés :

English, English Language Teaching, ELT, Globalisation, Globalization


The spread of English as an international language has changed our conception of both the language and how it should be taught. With more nonnative than native speakers of English, the ownership of English has shifted and new world Englishes (WE) have emerged. Researchers studying this phenomenon have recommended changes to English language teaching (ELT) that require re-examining firmly entrenched assumptions still evidenced in teaching practice. Despite compelling evidence, English language teaching professionals have yet to embrace and enact researchers’ recommendations. This article first examines the spread of English, then discusses its implications for ELT. The example of recommended changes for ELT enacted at Chukyo University in the Expanding Circle country of Japan illustrates changes that should be espoused by professionals worldwide.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tonje M. Caine, University of Calgary

B.Sc. Sciences politiques Cert. en APO M.A. en éducation (Technologies éducatives) Doctorant en éducation (Technologies éducatives) Dép. des sciences de l'éducation Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Membre du LERTIE Membre du Réseau Probléma French Associate Editor – CJNSE/RCJCÉ Senior Web Editor – CJNSE/RCJCÉ Francophone Student Liaison CCGSE/CCÉDÉ




Position Paper/Essai