Critique du livre : Pelgrims, Assude et Perez (dir.). (2021). Transitions et transformations sur les chemins de l’éducation inclusive


  • Marilyn Dupuis Brouillette Université du Québec à Rimouski


This article offers a concise critical review of the book "Transitions et transformations sur les chemins de l'éducation inclusive" edited by Greta Pelgrims, Teresa Assude and Jean-Michel Perez in 2021. Comprising eighteen chapters, this collective work delves into various aspects of inclusive education, primarily whithin the French context. First, a summary of all the book’s chapters is provided, highlighting key research themes. This is followed by a critical analysis of the work as a whole and its quality. Some of the book's limitations are highlighted, including its use of scientific terminology and the context of intervention with learners with disabilities.





Book Review/Critique de livre