Valeur intrinsèque des mathématiques telle que perçue par des personnes enseignantes et sentiment d’autoefficacité à accompagner les enfants dans l’éveil aux mathématiques à l’éducation préscolaire : une étude exploratoire des liens entre ces phénomènes


  • Patricia Vohl Université de Montréal
  • Naomie Fournier Dubé Université de Montréal
  • Charlaine St-Jean Université du Québec à Rimouski


This article focuses on the links that seem to exist between Quebec preschool teachers’ intrinsic value of mathematics and their sense of self-efficacy in accompanying 4 and 5 year old preschool children in their awakening to mathematics. To do so, a sample of 90 preschool teachers was recruited, and data from seven questionnaire items were analyzed. The results show that female teachers who report low intrinsic value in mathematics report a significantly lower sense of self-efficacy, statistically speaking, compared to those who do not attribute low intrinsic value to mathematics. This exploratory study marks the beginning of a research program aiming to document mathematical anxiety among preschool and primary teachers in Quebec, their beliefs and perceptions regarding mathematics, the links that may exist between these phenomena and finally, the links that may exist between teacher’s mathematical anxiety, their beliefs and perceptions, and those of their students.





Research Study/Recherche