Critique littéraire de Paul, M. (2020). La démarche d’accompagnement : repères méthodologiques et ressources théoriques (2e éd.)


  • Élyane Lizotte UQAT


The book review of the work “La démarche d’accompagnement : repères méthodologiques et ressources théoriques” by Paul (2020) offers an overview of the different chapters that make up this second edition and takes a critical look at different aspects of the book. A summary description of the ten chapters is produced to allow a better understanding of the word “accompaniment” in the way that Paul defines it, with its foundations and its benchmarks. The different sections of the book reflect a particular and original approach: a work for, by and with support professionals. This book is then considered as a pragmatic and relevant methodological guide for any individual interested in the support process.





Book Review/Critique de livre