Rapport aux savoirs disciplinaires : moteur d’innovation pour les enseignantes du primaire en insertion professionnelle


  • Andrea Gicquel Université du Québec à Rimouski


Several research have demonstrated the influence of teachers', and pre-service teachers', relationship to disciplinary knowledge on students (Beaucher, 2010; Plonczak, 2003). Indeed, personal comfort with the disciplinary knowledge to be taught plays a role in the way it is transmitted and received by primary school students (Vincent, 2019). The objective of the master's research is to identify and describe the nature of the relationship to disciplinary knowledge of novice elementary school teachers. A better understanding of the meaning and value that these novices attach to disciplinary content makes it possible to understand the influence of their relationship to disciplinary knowledge on their propensity to innovate in their teaching methods. The results show that there is a link between the nature of the relationship to disciplinary knowledge of the pre-service teachers questioned and the mastery, ease and confidence they have when teaching disciplinary knowledge, which would influence their ability to innovate in their teaching.





CJNSE-CCGSE Special Issue