Northern News


  • Arctic Institute of North America


Ключевые слова:

Age, Animal food, Animal migration, Animal physiology, Atlantic salmon, Biological sampling, Brook trout, Cairns, Franklin, Sir John, 1786-1847, Hunting, Lake trout, Lake whitefish, Logistics, Longnose sucker, Measurement, Metabolism, Microclimatology, Necropsy, Oxygen, Plant collections, Plant distribution, Plants (Biology), Research, Research personnel, Research stations, Round whitefish, Scales (Fishes), Science, Size, Waterfowl, Britannia, Cape, Nunavut, North America, Grande Rivière, La, region, Québec, Sakami, Lac, Eastmain, Rivière, Opinaca, George, Antarctic regions


The news includes: 1) an item on "the forgotten cairn" (Cape Britannia, Nunavut) where Noel Wright thinks there is still a chance of discovering a despatch from Sir John Franklin; 2) a description of the Arctic Institute of North America's waterfowl research project; 3) a report by Father Earnest Lepage on his botanical exploration along the Fort George River (La Grande Rivière), Sakami Lake, and Eastmain River; 4) details of biological work on Atlantic salmon and other fishes from the George River, northern Québec by G. Power; and 5) an announcement that opportunities exist for scientists, engineers, and technicians in the Antarctic program planned by the U.S. National Committee for the International Geophysical Year 1957-1958.






Northern News