Geological Investigations in Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands, 1956


  • R. Thorsteinsson
  • E.T. Tozer


Ключевые слова:

Age, Animal food, Animal migration, Animal physiology, Atlantic salmon, Biological sampling, Brook trout, Cairns, Franklin, Sir John, 1786-1847, Hunting, Lake trout, Lake whitefish, Logistics, Longnose sucker, Measurement, Metabolism, Microclimatology, Necropsy, Oxygen, Plant collections, Plant distribution, Plants (Biology), Research, Research personnel, Research stations, Round whitefish, Scales (Fishes), Science, Size, Waterfowl, Britannia, Cape, Nunavut, North America, Grande Rivière, La, region, Québec, Sakami, Lac, Eastmain, Rivière, Opinaca, George, Antarctic regions


Contains account of a Canadian Geological Survey reconnaissance of western Ellesmere and eastern Axel Heiberg Island carried out during Apr.-Sept. 1956. The various journeys from Eureka by dog sled, on foot, and by powered canoe are reported in detail with information on the snow and ice conditions encountered and mention made of an unexpected shore ice condition on the east side of Eureka Sound. Eskimo remains were found on both islands: tent rings, animal traps, sled runners, and a tomb. Wildlife observed is listed in appendix with note of numbers, localities, etc. Geological results are outlined and the previous geologists' work on rocks of Ordovician, Silurian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary ages are described. Special emphasis is given to structural features, Tertiary rocks affected by deformation cover a greater area than formerly believed and lie in a belt east of rocks affected by Paleozoic deformation. Thrust faulting, unconformities, and gypsum piercements are considered.





