Albert Paddock Crary, 1911-1987
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Biographies, Crary, Albert Paddock, 1911-1987, Geophysics, Glaciology, Scientists, Expeditions, Polar regions, North PoleАннотация
... Known as the "father" of the American Antarctic science program and, earlier, a leading researcher in the Arctic, Crary conducted a broad range of scientific observations in Polar regions, incidentally becoming the first person to have set foot on both North and South Poles. [He has been described as] ... "the leading light in glaciology in Antarctica during the IGY, "an outstanding scientist and a great friend," "an indispensable man," as "an exceptional man because of his ability to combine his genius as a scientific explorer with his qualities as a human being." ... [And according to Dr. Charles R. Bentley,] "Bert Crary was the man who, more than any other, was responsible for the introduction of solid geophysical techniques into both north and south polar studies. Both by his leadership and by his personality, he was an inspiration to two generations of polar scientists."Загрузки