The Devon Island Expedition 1960-64: Preliminary Report for September 1961 to September 1962
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Animals, Birds, Dene languages, Dictionaries, Human migration, Traditional knowledge, N.W.T., Old Crow, YukonRésumé
The Arctic Institute is maintaining a research program on Devon Island, N.W.T., the purposes of which include fundamental studies in geophysics, glaciology, meteorology, and oceanography, with particular attention to the interrelationships between the marine and glacial environments. Detailed studies in archaeology and geology are also supported. The establishment of the base station and the preliminary archaeological reconnaissance in 1960 have been reported in Arctic 13:270-71. A summary of the field work of the first full season, 1961, together with several preliminary reports has appeared in Arctic 14:252-65. The field season of 1961 ended on September 12 when the various field parties were taken to Thule, Greenland, by the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Westwind. ...Téléchargements