The Geology of Base Gabriel Gonzalez Videla, Antarctica


  • Martin Halpern


Mots-clés :

Wildlife habitat


The Chilean scientific base, Gabriel Gonzalez Videla, is located on the Danco Coast at the north end of the "Antarctic" Peninsula (Fig. 1). Isla Util, a small island in the Gerlache Strait, lies 7 miles north of the base. Field work was done during the 1960-61 austral summer, and 70 thin sections of the rocks collected were studied subsequently at the University of Wisconsin. The chief features of the geology of the area are shown in Fig. 6. The base is situated on two small islands (approx. 18,000 square metres), which are separated by a very narrow channel partly filled with morainal material. In this report the northern island is named Isla "Lomnitz" and the southern island, Isla "Dott". Between the islands and the mainland is a 90-metre channel, which is dry at low tide (Fig. 2). This channel and the eastern shores of the islands are covered by till. ...


