Arctic Science and the Nuclear Submarine


  • Arthur E. Molloy


Mots-clés :

Glacial epoch, Glacial landforms, Glaciers, Mass balance, Nunataks, Deglaciation, Glaciation


... The entire Arctic Ocean has now ceased to be remote and is open to study on a year-round basis by nuclear submarines (Strong 1961). Admittedly, there are limitations to the use of a nuclear submarine for arctic research, but the advantages heavily out-weigh the disadvantages. First among the advantages to be gained through the use of this type of vehicle is mobility (Lyon and Boyle 1962). The nuclear submarine is a self-contained community capable of operating under all arctic conditions for extended periods of time. Its mobility is not a function of pre-determined drift patterns, for the submarine can be directed to any desired place, at a wide range of speed and depth. With its special equipment, such as underwater television and SONAR, it can "see" and "hear" below the surface (Steele 1962). There is adequate space for modest laboratory facilities, a controlled atmosphere, and accommodation for a scientific staff, who are comfortable and have every incentive for conducting research (Molloy 1961). Another advantage, and an equally important one, is the natural protection that the arctic environment offers to the submarine. The polar ice pack that presents such serious obstacles to the conduct of oceanographic research from the surface can be used to advantage by the nuclear submarine. It provides a nearly homogeneous environment free from disturbances of weather and other factors that the oceanographer encounters in the open ocean. The advantages of submarine research in the Arctic are even more readily apparent after evaluating the accomplishments of the U.S. Navy's arctic submarine cruises during the past few years. The floor of the Arctic Ocean was sounded continuously during each cruise (Lyon and Boyle 1962). As a result of this, there is now more information available on the bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean than had been obtained during the previous 75 years of arctic exploration. We have now more data relating to the ice pack over broad areas and under various seasonal conditions than ever before. Ice and water samples, as well as bathythermograph observations, also have been obtained at various points in the arctic basin (LaFond 1960). In addition the submarine itself has been a prime research tool whose advantages have not been limited to being a vehicle for transportation (Lyon and Boyle 1962). For example, surfacings through the ice have answered some of the questions relating to the ice cover. In many respects the Arctic has been the laboratory and the submarine the instrument with which the research was carried out (Lyon 1961). The arctic cruises of the U.S. Navy submarines have not been conducted as purely oceanographic ventures, but diversified scientific programs have been carried out during each of the cruises (Strong 1961). It is manifest from these modest beginnings that the nuclear submarine is an ideal platform from which to launch a research program of rather large dimensions. ...





