Observation of Diatoms in Greenland Ice


  • R.I. Gayley
  • M. Ram



Mots-clés :

Cores, Diatoms, Ice caps, Crete, Greenland


Diatom frustules have been found in small concentrations in a section of ice core from Crete on the Greenland ice cap. ... The statistics are poor and do not allow us to determine the diatom concentration accurately. Based on our measurements, we estimate the average diatom density (n/g) for the 0.6-m section to be 0.1/g. Also because of poor statistics, we have not been able to test whether the diatom number density exhibits seasonal variations, nor have we been able to identify the species or points of origin of the diatoms. We subsequently learned (C. Lorius, pers. comm. 1983; L.G. Thompson, pers. comm. 1983; L.H. Burckle, pers. comm. 1983) that diatoms have been observed in continental Antarctic ice. We know of no similar reports for Greenland ice.


