Textual Analysis Speaks: Pedagogical Documentation as Relational Pedagogy





Despite growing international interest in pedagogical documentation, there is limited research investigating this professional practice. In strengthening the knowledge base, this paper offers textual analysis of material written about pedagogical documentation to enable greater understanding of its nature and purposes. The authors of this paper analyzed the contents of three publications they also contributed to and edited. International chapter authors and commentators shared their thinking related to definitions of pedagogical documentation, its processes and potentialities, as well as elements enabling or constraining engagement. Offering richly contextualised voices within analytical categories, this paper positions pedagogical documentation as conceived in different ways for various purposes. Analysis indicates a foundation of relational pedagogy throughout the data set, an element rarely apparent in current approaches to planning and assessment. Seeing these texts as a combined data source enables a clearer configuration of this phenomenon, thus foregrounding the potential of pedagogical documentation as an empowering transformative component of early childhood settings.

Keywords: pedagogical documentation, relational pedagogy, textual analysis, pedagogical transformation, early childhood education

Malgré l'intérêt international croissant pour la documentation pédagogique, il existe peu de recherches sur cette pratique professionnelle. Cet article propose une analyse textuelle de documents écrits sur la documentation pédagogique pour permettre une meilleure compréhension de sa nature et de ses objectifs, renforçant ainsi la base de connaissances. Les auteures de cet article ont analysé le contenu de trois publications auxquelles elles ont également contribué et qu'elles ont éditées. Les auteurs de sections internationales et les commentateurs ont partagé leurs réflexions sur les définitions de la documentation pédagogique, ses processus et ses potentialités, ainsi que les éléments permettant ou limitant l'engagement. Offrant des voix richement contextualisées au sein de catégories analytiques, cet article positionne la documentation pédagogique comme étant conçue de différentes manières et à des fins diverses. L'analyse indique un fondement de pédagogie relationnelle dans l'ensemble des données; c’est un élément qui est rarement apparent dans les approches actuelles de planification et d'évaluation. Le fait de considérer ces textes comme une source de données combinée permet une configuration plus claire de ce phénomène, mettant ainsi en avant le potentiel de la documentation pédagogique en tant que composante transformatrice et autonomisante des milieux de la petite enfance.

Mots clés : documentation pédagogique, pédagogie relationnelle, analyse textuelle, transformation pédagogique, éducation de la petite enfance

Author Biographies

Alma Fleet, Macquarie University

Currently, an Honorary Associate Professor at Macquarie University, Alma Fleet is also involved in educational change initiatives with colleagues in government departments and early childhood settings.  Having enjoyed working with undergraduate and postgraduate students, she continues to mentor teaching teams and offer consultancy advice. With interest in a range of qualitative methodologies, she continues to research and publish, particularly with regard to pedagogical documentation and practitioner inquiry.

Catherine Patterson, Educational Consultant

Recently retired, Catherine Patterson taught undergraduate and postgraduate students at the Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University for over two decades. Her teaching responsibilities focused on facilitating the professional growth of student teachers in professional experience courses. Catherine's research explored the realities of teaching and learning for early childhood practitioners. She also provided professional learning opportunities for experienced teachers and leaders to re-think their daily practices with children and adults.




How to Cite

Fleet, A., & Patterson, C. (2022). Textual Analysis Speaks: Pedagogical Documentation as Relational Pedagogy. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 68(4), 480–498. https://doi.org/10.11575/ajer.v68i4.73402

