The Effects of Service-Learning Participation on Pre-Internship Educators’ Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy


  • Trae Stewart Texas State University-San Marcos
  • Kay W. Allen University of Central Florida
  • Haiyan Bai University of Central Florida



self-efficacy, teacher efficacy, service-learning, pre-internship students, undergraduates, teacher education


This study aimed to determine if pre-internship teacher education students’ participation in service-learning activities in K-12 classrooms would significantly affect their teachers’ sense of efficacy (TSE). A secondary focus sought to determine if one type of service-learning activity (e.g., whole-class instruction) would affect teacher efficacy more than another (e.g., small-group tutoring). Findings revealed that pre-internship service-learners in both types of service-learning activities increased significantly in their TSE. However, neither type of service-learning activity was superior to the other as measured by the minimally accepted .05 level. The discussion focuses on factors shared between the two service-learning designs that might mediate a positive mastery experience.

L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si la participation par des étudiants en pédagogie à des activités de bénévolat dans des classes de la maternelle à la 12e année augmenterait de façon significative leur sentiment d’être efficaces comme enseignants. Un deuxième objectif consistait à déterminer si un type d’activité de bénévolat (par ex. l’enseignement à toute la classe) affecterait l’efficacité d’un enseignant plus qu’une autre (par ex. le tutorat à de petits groupes). Les résultats indiquent que les deux types d’activité ont accru de façon significative le sentiment d’efficacité comme enseignants chez les étudiants bénévoles. Toutefois, les paramètres selon le seuil minimal de 0,05 ont révélé qu’aucune activité n’était supérieure à l’autre. La discussion porte sur des facteurs communs aux deux activités de bénévolat et qui pourraient entrainer une expérience d’apprentissage fructueuse.

Author Biographies

Trae Stewart, Texas State University-San Marcos

Trae Stewart is an associate professor in the Education & Community Leadership Program at the Texas State University-San Marcos. He earned a doctorate in International and Intercultural education from the University of Southern California. He specializes in service-learning, youth leadership, and teacher education. He is a board member of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE).

Kay W. Allen, University of Central Florida

Kay Allen is an associate professor in the College of Education at the University of Central Florida. Her areas of expertise include human development and learning, online learning, and adult learning. She holds a doctorate in the foundations of education from the University of South Carolina. She is a member of the board for Florida Arts Alliance for Education and has taken an active role in the infusion of the arts into the total curriculum.

Haiyan Bai, University of Central Florida

Haiyan Bai is an assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of Central Florida. She holds a doctorate in quantitative research methodology and has conducted methodological and empirical research in education and published her work in both areas. She has been involved in several service-learning projects and is also a reviewer for several quantitative research journals.


How to Cite

Stewart, T., Allen, K. W., & Bai, H. (2011). The Effects of Service-Learning Participation on Pre-Internship Educators’ Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 57(3), 298–316.

