Symposium on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Beyond: Advancing Canadian Trade and Investment in Asia


  • Randolph Mank Canadian War Museum



On June 18, 2015 the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy hosted the symposium The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Beyond: Advancing Canadian Trade and Investment in Asia, at the Canadian War Museum. The School was honoured to have Dr. Randolph Mank present the keynote address at this event who brings over thirty years of public and private sector experience in Asia to his analysis of Canadian relations in Asia. A three-time Canadian Ambassador in the Asian region, having served in Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan, Mank also held the position of Senior Advisor and Vice President Asia for Blackberry and currently lives in Singapore. Presenting a policy prescription for Canadian-Asian relations over the next five years or so, Mank shares a personal “Top 10” list of specific things Canada should do to advance national and business interests in Asia. Although expanding trade linkages in the region is obviously crucial for Canada, Mank’s recommendations are positioned within the broader framework of strengthening our diplomatic platform and development assistance in the region. Mank concludes that if Canada does not increase its engagement and investment in Asia, we won’t be an influential player in the evolving and highly integrated new world order. One might agree with every recommendation, or once might quibble with the government-centered focus of his prescriptions; most certainly, some Canadian firms have been successful in Asia and we could learn from their experiences. That said, Dr. Mank speaks from authority and we are pleased to publish his speech as a valuable contribution to a more informed and public debate on Canada’s future role in Asia.





