Staffing Pharmaceuticals: The Case of Novartis


  • Alexandra Mylona Deree - The American College of Greece


HRM, Recruitment, Pharmaceuticals, Person-Organization vs Person-Job fit, Succession Planning


This theoretical study contributes to the research of pharmaceutical companies’ HR Management practices, and more specifically their staffing systems, through close examination of Novartis Consumer Health Division’s recruitment system. After an overview of the firm’s overall staffing philosophy, external and internal recruitment are also reviewed. E-Recruitment is explored due to its significant place in today’s staffing methods, as a result of technological advancements. Last but not least, the Equal Employment Opportunities of Novartis are examined, since Human Rights and Diversity & Inclusion receive great attention nowadays in most companies’ HR Management strategies. The findings of this study for each section are based on a comparison of the information which was provided through interviews of HR Department employees of the company, as well as my individual research, with the literature review. The most important conclusions that were drawn were, first, that Novartis closely follows Schneider’s Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ATA) model when it comes to its Person-Organization versus Person-Job fit, and second, that one of the main methods through which the company achieves organizational effectiveness, is through successful alignment of its HR systems with those of the other departments/line managers. Finally, recommendations for future research are also provided.

Author Biography

Alexandra Mylona, Deree - The American College of Greece

Senior undergraduate student at Deree School of Business, The American College of Greece-Deree, 6 Gravias Str., 15342, Athens, Greece


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