Behavioral Objectives ls the Tide Turning?


  • Vincent N. Lunetta Dept. of Secondary Education, University of Connecticut



Behavioral objectives have been acclaimed by numerous individuals in the past decade as means by which the learning process may become substantially more effective and efficient.1 More recently, however, the climate surrounding educational attitudes and objectives appears to be in the midst of new controversy and change. The purpose of this article is to review in perspective the rationale underlying behavioral objectives in education and the criticisms which have been raised regarding their validity and application.

Objectives have been expressed by educators for a very long time, no doubt, for as long as there has been formal schooling. (Plato discusses educational objectives in the Republic.2 ) Persons stressing the widespread application of behavioral objectives are disenchanted with general statements of educational objectives which have been used for years such as: "The student will learn to think critically." What is critical thinking? How do students attain it? How do we know when students have achieved this objective or even come part of the way toward attaining it?




