Northern News


  • Arctic Institute of North America



Animal behaviour, Animal ecology, Animal mortality, Animal reproduction, Biodegradation, Bird nesting, Deglaciation, Drainage, Ducks, Eiders, Geomorphology, Glacial deposits, Glacial epoch, Glacial melt waters, Goldeneyes, Gulls, Ice sheets, Invertebrates, Logistics, Long-tailed Ducks, Mergansers, Pleistocene epoch, River deltas, Redpolls, Sea birds, Spiders, Stream flow, Valleys, Knob, Lac, region, Québec, False, Rivière, Swampy Bay, Howells River region, Labrador, Helluva, Stakit Lake region, Harris, (55 06 42 N, 67 26 26 W), Lespinay, (55 10 46 N, 67 24 12 W), Kohlmeister


Two articles are included in this edition of Northern News. The first is "Glacial-geomorphological research in the Howells Valley and the watershed district of central Quebec-Labrador" by E. Darbyshire who concluded that the ice sheet in this area melted to form thin, separate masses occupying the valleys between the ridges of the Labrador Trough and that there is no evidence for ice-dammed lakes. The second article is "Biological studies in Ungava during 1958" by P.M. Driver.


