Short-Term Climate Changes and Coastal Erosion, Barrow, Alaska


  • James D. Hume
  • Marshall Schalk
  • Patricia W. Hume



Beach erosion, Climatology, Coast changes, Barrow region, Alaska


Records of shoreline and bluff positions in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska, have been obtained from aerial photographs and taped measurements for intervals between 1948 and 1969. Although the source material in the bluffs is frozen and masses of pure ice are present, temperature and rainfall data fail to show any marked correlation with the retreat of the bluff face or with the retreat of the fronting or downdrift beaches. Removal of beach material for construction and frequency of storms from the west do show a relationship. Recorded retreats of the bluffs up to 3 m per year and of the beaches up to 4 m per year have resulted where there has been excessive beach borrow or where a series of severe storms have attacked the coast.


