Noteworthy Vascular Plants Collected in Southwestern Banks Island, N.W.T.


  • Marian Kuc





During the summers of 1968 and 1969, while conducting a geobotanical survey in southwestern Banks Island ..., the author made an extensive collection of plants. This paper comprises a list of vascular plants new to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago or to Banks Island, as well as comments on some rare species. ... Specimens have been deposited in the Phanerogamic Herbarium of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. ... Achillea nigrescens (E. Mey.) Rydb. Found in the Masik River valley .... ...Arctophila fulva (Trin.) Anders. Common over the whole area in ponds .... Arenaria sajanensis Willd. Common up to 1,000 ft. in mountains adjacent to the south of the Masik River valley .... Artemisia borealis Pall. Common on sunny, dry and elevated slopes, on coastal cliffs and on alluvium. Found up to 600 ft. in the Masik River valley. ... A. hyperborea Rydb. Common over the entire area. ... A. tilesii Ledeb. Common in the Sachs River valley and the Masik River valley, elsewhere rare. ... Aster pygmaeus Lindl. One flowering specimen (3 in. tall) found on alluvium in the middle of Kellett River, and several specimens in the delta of Masik River and on adjacent gravelly alluvial terraces .... Carex ursina Dew. Found on sandy and muddy shores between Lennie River and Sachs Harbour. Most abundant on Cape Kellett .... Crepis nana Richards. Found on top of the morainic hill between the mouths of Masik and Atitok Rivers .... Descurainia sophioides (Fisch.) O. E. Schultz. Common and abundant in Sachs Harbour village in anthropogenic habitats .... Dryas chamissonis Juz. Found at Swan Lake on bare soil, in dry parts of moss-bogs and in sheltered places .... Halimolobus mollis (Hook.) Rollins. Found in refuse heaps in Sachs Harbour village and in the Masik River valley in areas of former Eskimo camps. ... Melandrium ostenfeldii Porsild. Most commonly found on slopes with southern exposures in the Masik River valley. ... Melandrium triflorum (R. Br.) J. Vahl. Found at Sachs Harbour village on coastal cliffs. ... Parnassia kotzebuei Cham. & Schlecht. Found on alluvium in the Masik River area from the coast to the upper reaches of valleys, but most common in the middle part of the main valley .... Phlox richardsonii Hook. Common, but confined to coastal cliffs and alluvium .... Plantago septata Morris. Found at many localities at the mouth of Lennie River, along Kellett River and Sachs River, on coastal hills around Thesiger Bay, in abundance at Sachs Harbour village, and on sunny slopes up to 600 ft. in the Masik Valley. ... Pleuropogon sabinei R. Br. Very rare plant, found in several tundra ponds between Sachs Harbour Meteorological Station and Kellett River, and in the small pool in Sachs Harbour village. ... Potentilla nivea L.-s. s. Found in the Sachs Harbour area .... Pulsatilla ludoviciana (Nutt.) Heller. Rare in low and middle elevated, southern and dry exposures in the Masik River valley .... Pyrola secunda var. obtusata Turcz. Found between Carpenter Lake and Sachs River .... Rumex arcticus Trautv. Luxuriant specimens found on anthropogenic habitats in Sachs Harbour Village .... Salix alaxensis (Anderss.) Cov. ... common species in the interior of the island .... Salix richardsonii Hook. Common in the Masik River valley .... Stellaria edwardsii R. Br. Collected only twice ... though commonly observed in many other places. ...


