Call For Papers: A Special Issue of the Alberta Journal of Educational Research Adult Education and Post-Secondary Institutions


For many decades groundbreaking work from scholars and practitioners associated with post-secondary institutions have made significant theoretical and practical contributions across all sectors of society. Areas have included strengthening local communities facing increasing neoliberal intrusions, critical approaches to workplace learning, and enhancing lifelong learning across different populations. Arguably, successes have largely occurred because of the recognition that adult education is grounded in real life issues and concerns.  

Over time, adult education principles have been embraced by different disciplines across and within post-secondary institutions. As a result, there has been both a strengthening and a weakening of the field. Actors in the field have responded by providing localized learning opportunities (in workplaces, community organizations, etc.) that were normally found through post-secondary programs.

This special issue is intended to highlight post-secondary institutions practices in adult education, both within and outside the academy. We want to highlight the rewards and challenges of maintaining a clear connection between the field and the academy. Thus, this special issue will be a broad survey of innovative research and perspectives from academic and non-academic based researchers. Topics to be explored will include a wide variety of innovative research that reflects diverse areas. We welcome contributions related to a broad variety of issues, including analysis, developments and case studies related to adult education and postsecondary institutions.

Examples of topics include:

  • Adult education principles and teaching practices in postsecondary institutions
  • Adult education programs and courses in graduate and undergraduate education
  • Adult education and community service/extension programs    
  • Research approaches in adult education
  • Rethinking adult education in post-secondary settings
  • Theoretical and methodological debates
  • New technologies (e.g. MOOCs)
  • Lifelong learning

We are accepting two types of submissions: scholarly articles no longer than 5000 words; and perspectives/initiatives exploring topics related to practice no longer than 2000 words. An abstract of 250 words or less must also be provided for each submission. The word count excludes title page, abstract, any appendices, and the reference list. Both papers and abstracts must follow the latest Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for citations and bibliographic format.

We are also accepting book reviews no longer than 1000 words. Please contact the editors for book selections or to propose a book.

Submissions must be written in English and should not be under consideration at any other journal or publication. For submission guidelines, visit the AJER Web site Please email your submission to Jorge Sousa All submissions will be subject to the normal peer-review process.

To be considered for the special issue, papers must be received no later than March 1, 2017. Please email Jorge Sousa for more information on the special issue, including the appropriateness of your intended submission.