An undergraduate perspective on LINDSAY Composer: bridging the gap between software engineering and physiology


  • Douglas Wing-Kwok Yuen The University of Calgary
  • Tatiana Karaman The University of Calgary
  • Jeff Wintersinger The University of Calgary


Biology, Computers, Model, Simulation, Software


LINDSAY Composer is a project aiming to capitalise on advances in computer technology, providing a fully immersive and interactive platform for modelling physiological systems. Allowing its users to design models using a set of customisable, shared components, LINDSAY Composer permits for a diverse range of systems to be simulated, as well as allowing for these systems to interact with one another. We present three undergraduate projects here, reflecting on the adaptability of LINDSAY Composer; the program has allowed for novel user-interactions to be implemented, alongside two simulations, the nephron and reflex arc, to be modelled with high accuracy and performance. Despite being disjoint, these projects are all designed within LINDSAY Composer and are built upon the same basic components. Their unique functions and behaviours are implemented as specialised components that confer system-specific behaviours, illustrating the Composer's potential applicability in educational and clinical settings as a platform for providing a straightforward means of visualising any system of the user's choosing, as well as its capacity to adapt to ever-changing technological paradigms.

Author Biographies

Douglas Wing-Kwok Yuen, The University of Calgary

Bioinformatics Major, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Fourth Year Undergradutate Student

Tatiana Karaman, The University of Calgary

Bioinformatics Major, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Fourth Year Undergradutate Student

Jeff Wintersinger, The University of Calgary

Bioinformatics Major, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Third Year Undergradutate Student


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