Evaluating a First-Year Veterans Affairs Nurse Practitioner Residency Program: Analysis for Change


  • Kelsey Eidem
  • Lakshi Aldredge
  • Renee Hoeksel
  • Connie Kim Yen Nguyen-Truong


Background: The Veteran Affairs Portland Healthcare System (VAPORHCS) is experiencing a shortage of primary care physicians. To help meet this demand for primary care providers in outpatient clinics, VAPORHCS turned to nurse practitioners (NPs). A primary care nurse practitioner residency (PC-NPR) program was developed to support novice NP’s transition to practice. Purpose: To describe the development of evaluation tools and an evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the PC-NPR program’s curriculum in supporting NP residents’ progression through the program and transition to practice utilizing accreditation standards. Methods: The development of evaluation tools using a combined approach guided by Meleis’ Transition Theory and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Program Evaluation Framework. Evaluation tools included a 12-item curriculum questionnaire developed from national accreditation pre-publication standards and a focus group interview. Results: There was a 54% (n=13) response rate. The questionnaire had some negative responses to three statements. The remaining responses were positive. The two main themes of the focus group were transition to practice support and curricular improvement. Conclusion: This evaluation contributed to a comprehensive program evaluation. Results are being used to make timely improvements to the program objectives and curriculum in preparation for seeking the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education national accreditation.





