Engaging Interdisciplinary Students in an Environmental Scan of Governance Models for a Non-Profit Aging Agency: An Evaluation of Interdisciplinary Learning


  • Tori Hui Ren
  • Sherry Dahlke
  • Mackenzie Marie Martin
  • Jasper Yeung
  • Yuuki Ito
  • Peyman Azad Khaneghah
  • (Nick) Yu Jiang


Interdisciplinary student members from a non-profit interdisciplinary gerontology association, guided by an academic board member, conducted a scan of the literature and other non-profit organizations bylaws for the purpose of supporting the board in reviewing their governance structure. The environmental scan elucidated five components of organizations that critically affect the non-profit organizational governance of non-for profit agencies - the governance model, how policy is developed, the role of executives, and how both finances and risks are managed. During the project students increased their capacity and knowledge of: how to work in a team environment within a research context, the research process, and the interdisciplinary gerontological association for which the research was performed. Students recommend that this method of using student volunteers to assist with research as a way for non-profit associations to engage students and complete research projects. This project was completed April 30, 2016 



