Author Guidelines
Papers should be no longer than 10,000 words including endnotes.
Papers must be submitted through email attachment.
Submissions must be formatted in MS Word for PC. All automatic styles must be turned off. The submission must be free of errant or unreadable codes, symbols, or formatting. The required formatting style is Chicago Manual of Style notes/bibliography format.
Double-space all text, including notes, block quotations, and extracts.
Papers must include original research and argument. Reprints are not accepted. Submissions cannot be under consideration in any other publication venue.
For editorial consideration, conference papers must be fully formatted, referenced, and argued, and formally presented as a research submission following the submission guidelines.
For research submissions (as opposed to Forum pieces or reviews), an abstract of 200 words must be included after the header. The abstract will clearly state the argument of the paper, methodology, findings, and any significant observations and analyses, and how the paper advances the extant literature on the subject.
As HIC is read by a critical interdisciplinary audience, authors must take care to clearly introduce disciplinary jargon and theory.
To avoid compromising the anonymous peer review, all references to the author of the submission and acknowledgements must be eliminated in the text. The name of the author, along with contact information, should be included on the title page only.
Except for obvious Canadianisms, HIC uses the Oxford English Dictionary. Ensuring that the submission is as grammatically and stylistically precise and consistent as possible following the rules of English language is the sole responsibility of the author. Submissions will be returned if they fail to meet this condition.
The accuracy of any foreign language component of the paper is strictly the responsibility of the author.
In all references and citations, full first names of the authors must be provided instead of just initials.
In the endnotes, all referencing must be consistent, in particular when first citing a source (full citation) and in subsequent citations (abbreviated citation). Both of these conditions are the sole responsibility of the author.
In articles, Forum pieces, and reviews, when providing direct references or quotes, applicable page numbers of those works from which the reference or quote was taken must be provided.
Hyperlinks are acceptable in the text and endnotes. Formal permission from the website to which the hyperlink connects must be secured by the author.
If a paper is not accepted for publication, detailed editorial and readers' comments will not be available to the author. The chief editors of HIC reserve the exclusive right for making all decisions related to the journal, its contents, and on publication.
Authors of accepted material assign HIC copyright to publish or republish the text both electronically and as printed matter and to make it available in an electronic archive. HIC reserves the right to provide its articles, forum pieces, and reviews to publishers for promotional materials. Authors may reprint their work published in HIC as long as the approval of the HIC chief editors is obtained and that HIC is clearly acknowledged as the original source of publication.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.