History of Intellectual Culture (ISSN 1492-7810) is an international peer-reviewed open-access academic electronic journal that provides a forum for publication and discussion of original research on the socio-historical and cultural contexts of ideas and ideologies and their relationships to community and state formation, physical environments, human and institutional agency, personal and collective identity, and lived experience. The journal highlights the viability and vibrancy of intellectual history as a scholarly field, presents new perspectives for research and analysis, and promotes critical discussion among researchers, scholars, and students in history and across disciplines.
copyright ©1999 History of Intellectual Culture. The journal, contents, and name are copyright by History of Intellectual Culture. Authors of accepted material assign HIC the right to publish the text both electronically and as printed matter and to make it available in an electronic archive, and to provide its articles, forum pieces, and reviews to publishers for promotional materials. Authors may reprint their work published in HIC on condition of HIC approval and that HIC is clearly acknowledged as the original source of publication.
History of Intellectual Culture is a member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journals.
Objectives of HIC
History of Intellectual Culture offers an international and interdisciplinary medium for peer-reviewed papers by scholars, researchers, students, and others with interests in a broad range of topics and issues which include:
The contextual development of social, cultural, educational, philosophical, scientific, political, and economic ideas, ideologies, and discourses.
Histories of cultures, communities, and social movements based on shared ideas.
Histories of education and higher education including analyses of teaching, research, professorial and administrative activity, resource allocation, political, cultural, and intellectual milieus, and department and discipline construction.
Issues in the history of state and community formation. Ideas and discourses in the historical construction of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationalism, and multiculturalism.
Histories of gender and intellectual culture.
Historical and cultural contexts of ideologies in science and technology, and media and communication.
Biographies and studies of agency, lived experience, and historical development.
New methodologies, approaches, theories, and historiographies in the history of thought, state, culture, institutions, education, and community.
For a discussion of the academic and intellectual bases of HIC, please see the editors' introduction in 2001, Vol. 1, No. 1.
History of Intellectual Culture is committed to the open exchange of knowledge. It does not endorse or take responsibility for the views, claims, or opinions expressed herein.