Northrop Frye’s Legacy: Toward a Dialogic Interaction Between Literary and Cultural Studies


  • Wang Ning Zhiyuan Chair Professor, Professor of Tsinghua University, Director of Center for Comparative Literature Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China


Northrop Frye, legacy, cultural studies, Chinese literature and culture


Northrop Frye scholars usually think that his legacy lies in the four fields he was engaged: British (elite) literary studies, Canadian (postcolonial) literature, myth studies, religious and culture studies. Although the author agrees with this summary, he still holds that it is far from covering all Frye’s contributions to human knowledge and world literary and cultural theory. To the author, one of Frye’s important legacies is his border-crossing studies of literature which is close to cultural studies in general. From a unique Chinese perspective, the author discusses the following three relevant themes: the relationship between comparative literature studies and cultural studies, Frye’s efforts to push Canadian literature from the periphery to the centre, and the way Chinese scholars have enthusiastically embraced Frye. Laying particular emphasis on the last theme, the author thinks that Frye’s relations with Chinese culture and literature are represented in the two directions: classical Chinese literature and culture has given inspirations to him and to some extent helped establish his systematic body of myth-archetypal critical theory, and his theory has in turn inspired contemporary Chinese literary critics and scholars to modernize China’s comparative literature and literary theory studies. In this sense, Frye should be viewed as major thinker in the 20th century world.

Author Biography

Wang Ning, Zhiyuan Chair Professor, Professor of Tsinghua University, Director of Center for Comparative Literature Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China

Wang Ning is Changjiang Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Director of the Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at Tsinghua University. Among his numerous books are Globalization and Cultural Translation (2004) and Translated Modernities: Literary and Cultural Perspectives on Globalization and China (2010), both of which were published in English. He has also published extensively in English in many prestigious international journals such as New Literary History, Critical Inquiry, boundary 2, Modern Language Quarterly, Comparative Literature Studies, Neohelicon, Amerasia Journal, and ARIEL.


